My first Postaday


I’m not exactly sure how these work, but I’m gonna take a stab at it and make it into what I feel or think it should be.
Today’s “challenge” or whatever you may call it, reads,
“As a kid, you must have imagined what it was like to be an adult. Now that you’re a grownup (or becoming one), how far off was your idea of adult life?”

I’m only twenty! Some of you probably still think I’m a kid. To some extent, I am. I’m a young adult who has been forced to go from asking to go to the restroom in high school, to suddenly making these huge life decisions. It’s pretty ridiculous if you think about it, but that’s a whole different topic in itself.

But, honestly, as a kid, I never thought I’d be twenty. I never imagined growing up or getting older. I didn’t have a worry in the world. I turned 18 and cried because I never in a million years thought I’d be that old! Haha, crazy huh? It’s scary growing up, especially with the ways of the world. You have to learn all kinds of new things and you become an individual separate from your family and parents. At some point in life, you become your own person.

People grow up and mature at very different ages. This raises the question,
What is a kid?
I mean really? Some people consider that a five year old, some consider that a teenager, and some even consider that a twenty year old. And I can really see why. It’s not fair to judge people by age. A lot of people do and it’s not okay. Depending on what that person may consider a kid, they may not consider you responsible.
Maturity comes with age, yes, but a lot of people get it much faster than others depending on their surroundings. Some are forced to grow up more quickly due to a bad home life and then you have others that are thirty and still tucked under momma and daddy’s wing being a spoiled brat.

Honestly though, my idea of an adult was someone responsible. Someone who was going to take care of me and love me. That was the only idea I even had of someone who was older than me.
And as a twenty year old, I feel like I haven’t gone shy from being that. I’m impressed and proud of who I am today. I’ve worked hard to make the accomplishments I have.

Now though, I feel as I’m twenty, I have more of an idea of what an adult is and what they do. The idea is kind of scary to me. I feel like my time is coming to become more independent.
It comes with more bills, responsibilities, a career, a marriage, and many other things that I don’t even care to think about because the idea of them all happening is just bumbarding.
So really, it’s best that I take things one day at a time. I don’t know what my future holds and I’m so indecisive that if I did, I’d probably rethink that too. It’s just going to be a slow process, but I feel like as long as long as I’m trying my hardest and doing my best to be who I want to be, I’ll get there when the time’s right. Things will fall into place.

xoxo Callie


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